About The Dumpster
The [Dumpster] is a carefully curated, obfuscated, crafted and brewed site only the finest life has to offer according to the site's very own coder and owner [Prism Riviera].
We have Logs/Crucial Updates, Recipie Cards Based off of the FINEST cuisine, Lectures of only the most advanced of topics, Rambling over the exquisite details of life.
Art crafted by Prism themselves, Shrines and Homages of delicate and delicious medias and methods to even contact the prism if so desired or needed.
We also have.. silly things, links to other people.. and soon games! but thats for later. and we have room for more.
About The Prism
Prism Riviera - 26 - [He/Him] + [They/Them]
I'm your locally sewn trash based puppet that's been bringing the reckoning since 1997 [really!]
My hobbies and interests include: