
Oct 29 2023: There's 15 gumballs now in the gumball machine in "gambling simulator"
Oct 16 2023: Added more assets around! new bagel bite recipe real
Oct 11 2023: Added a new ramble! go look at it.
Oct 02 2023: Added Silly stuff and other peoples pages! theres stuff there too!!!
Oct 01 2023: Added a bunch of stuff! like "rouxls roux" recipe and a new second nav bar. (none of the buttons work tho)
Sept 27-28 2023: Redoing the website layout :)
Sept 25 2023: Added more content and uploaded the "summer day memories in a bottle soda" recipe.
Sept 23 2023: After small hiatus, added more content to recipe page. as well as uploaded the "toontown mouthpiece cookies" recipe.
Sept 07 2023: Added some content to pages. About page is "up".
Sept 06 2023: Learned how to add Navbar, Header and change font to Comic Sans MS.