Dumpster Tip: "Also works with normal sized bagels!"

Pizza Bagel Bite Snacks

Mini Snack Sized Pizza's using simple ingredients and mini bagels!

I wanted to make home made mini pizzas. You can make them in the oven or in like a toaster oven.

Makes well idk, 4 pizza bagels? You can scale it up to share with others. (or to eat by yourself. Prism doesn't judge.)

Pizza Bagel Ingredients that you NEED:
  • 2 Mini Bagels
  • a few spoons of Tomato Sauce
  • sprinkle of cheese
  • Other stuff prism reccommends to put ontop:
  • quarter of an onion
  • clove or two of garlic
  • basil
  • mini pepperonis

  • Dumpster Tip: "I like putting the onion ontop of the sauce and under the cheese, it softens up a bunch and is yummy!"

    Pre-Bake Instructions:

    Chop up all of your toppings to be super small to fit on the mini pizzas

    If you're using an oven and not a toaster oven, set it to broil.



    Cut the mini bagels in half

    Put the mini bagels onto a sheet lined with parchment paper

    spoon on the sauce

    carefully sprinkle on the cheese

    add on any other ingredients you want ontop


    In oven:

    Place in the oven on broil for a few minutes until the bagels are toasted and the cheese is melted

    In toaster oven:

    Place in the toaster oven on a toasting setting for a few minutes until the bagels are toasted and the cheese is melted

    Dumpster Fact: "Hawaiian Pizza isn't even Hawaiian. It's made by some nerd named Panopoulos and it was named hawaiian pizza after the brand of canned pineapple he used."